The lesson plan I choose
for my final project covers goals and topics such as new vocabulary regarding transportation,
the ability to say various ways that students can use to get to different
places; in and out of the city, and grammatical points like the verb “ir” and
personal pronouns and overall an elaboration of a brochure utilizing all the
information learned though out the lesson. Although the lesson was simple and easy to
understand, I had to make some modifications and add technology to it. Note: The grammar section of this lesson has
already been taught previously.
The integration Matrix
is put together in a way that all the columns and rows align together to create
a more effectively and efficient lesson plan integrating technology. The first
row of the matrix covers the access of the lesson and how will students be able
to retain and learn new information. This is a very important part of the lesson
because here is where the teacher has a more active role and is required to
make the students grasp the information better. The teacher will begin the lesson by proving a
power point presentation that will cover all new vocabulary. The teacher then
will use the projector to check for understanding by asking students to
identify the types of transportation that are used in Spanish countries. Here
the standard 7.1.NH.A.1 aligns evenly with the strategies and technologies because
students are to be able to recognize cultural words using electronic sources. The
NETS-S covers creativity and innovation in a way where students will be able to
apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products and processes.
second row of the matrix covers the analyses part. This is the part of the
lesson where students are entitled to critically think and problem solving in a
way that they will use effectively what they have been lectured at the beginning of the lesson. In this
Part of the lesson the teacher will re enforce the material learned the class
before regarding the grammatical point of the verb “ir” (to go). After using
Q&A and making sure that the students understand the new vocabulary and the
use of the verb “ir”, she then asked the student to write 2 sentences that
indicate a method of transportation and the use of the verb tense. Students
will then have to share their work through the projector. This activity covers
the standard 7.1.NH.C.5 in which students will write and tell about cultural
products. The NETS-S IV is placed here because students are critically thinking
and making decisions of their own in order to problem solve.
third row of the matrix is the part where the teacher evaluates and assesses
the students. In this part of the lesson, the teacher will show once again the
power point and Q&A students about the different categories of transportation.
Students will then use the computer to research a place they will like to
travel. Here, they will have to gather information on what they have learned
already in order to create the final project. Students are to print the images
of transportation selected. Besides gathering information that will be used to
create the brochure, they will be asked to evaluate each other and check for
understanding. The brochure will have to include a paragraph explaining the
reason why they have chosen that destination and the type of transportation to
then be able to present in front of the classroom. This project will be done in
groups but each member of the group will then have to present a piece of the brochure
in the target language.
fourth row covers the production of the actual brochure. Here, students will
use the computer to work in groups and elaborate the final project assignment. The
standard 7.1NH.C.2 states that students will be able to create a brief message using
unfamiliar vocabulary orally or in writing. Group collaboration will be needed
in order to full fill this standard. Additionally students will met the NETS-S
that covers the creativity and innovation ability of student using technology
in an effectively and productive way.
the fifth and final row covers the communication of the final project. After
creating the brochure in the computer, students will then print and share
through the projector their final projects. The standard 7.1NH.C.1 states that
students will recombine basic information related to self and targeted themes
to create a multimedia- rich presentation. Here the students will have the option to
either create a brochure and share through the projector in front of class or
create a virtual power point presentation of their brochure. The teacher will
participate by asking questions to the students. The main goal of this lesson is to be able to communicate
in the target language using technology in an effective and productive way.
Students are asked to use their creativity and innovation to create a final
product that will show what their learning outcome will be.