Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interactivity #4: The Pedagogical uses of Technology

After spending time researching for a lesson plan that includes technology, I came across one that caught my attention for several reasons. First, I liked the fact that the lesson plan was based on culture, which allows the acquisition of a new language to be more enjoyable and understandable. The lesson plan was well organized and in fact it even included the accommodations for the lesson. Since this lesson plan is designed for an advanced level student, the use of technology seemed to play an important role during the lesson. Students were asked to elaborate a media presentation by choosing a specific country of origin based on the vocabulary and information learned in previous classes. The technology here was used to reinforce the content. In this case, with the use of the overhead projector and transparencies provided.

In my opinion, I feel that the main goal of this lesson plan is to get students to understand and use the vocabulary to construct a media presentation using their laptops. Besides this project being a group assignment, each student will be responsible for a piece of the final work that will be aligned with the standards shown in my spread sheet. In order for students to understand the vocabulary, I feel that it is necessary that the teacher adds to the lesson an overhead projector for them to visually see the pictures and the correct spelling if the words to facilitate the research for their media production. The strategies used in the lesson plan were well developed and I didn’t seem to find many gaps besides adding the overhead projector to increase the understanding of the content and the vocabulary used throughout the lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Julianna, you raise a good point when you introduce the importance of culture in foreign language acquisition. Culture does make learning more enjoyable and I believe that it is just as important to learn about culture as it is about language or else justice is not being given to the discipline. I also think that it is great that your lesson plan included accommodations so every student had an equal learning opportunity. Additionally, I like how you pointed out that visualization is key to spelling and remembering of words. Sometimes teachers forget to tie together visual, written, and auditory practices to help student learning and as a consequence the student suffers.
